Security for the whole life-cycle


We make companies more secure step by step with industry-specific solutions

As IT/OT experts, we accompany you through the entire life cycle. Benefit from our industry and cybersecurity experts as sparring partners and consultants. Develop and achieve your cybersecurity goals with us for lasting success.

& Training

Cybersecurity means continuous change. We are constantly at the cutting edge thanks to application-oriented research.
Technologies, attack methods and threats are constantly evolving. In order to be able to consider solutions for tomorrow's threats today, it is essential to look to the future. We therefore continuously manage and support selected research projects for applied cybersecurity. All life cycle phases benefit from these findings.

Creation of comprehensive security concepts as part of product development to ensure a secure design and robust implementation.
Our ‘Security Concept’ service focusses on the development of detailed security concepts that are specifically tailored to the requirements of product development. We work closely with your development teams to consider the security-relevant aspects of new products right from the start. This includes the identification of potential security risks, the definition of protective measures and the integration of security requirements into the entire development process. The aim is to develop products that meet the highest security standards and are protected against future threats. Our concepts serve as the basis for a secure design and successful implementation that ensures both the security and functionality of the product.

Identification and assessment of security risks during the early phase of product development to define preventive security measures.
Our security risk analyses help you to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities in your IT and OT systems. In conjunction with the necessary attack steps, the capabilities of the attacker and the current and future interests, we assess the risks in order to create prioritised action plans to protect your systems from attacks. By coordinating your risk management in general, you can make a well-founded comparison of other risks in your organisation, such as corporate risks, safety and others, and thus make informed decisions about your investments in security and the future.
Our many years of experience with a wide range of systems, technologies and architectures enable us to quickly recognise potential risks. We apply established standards and norms to ensure compliance with guidelines and laws. Among other things, we use analysis tools and attack graphs that we have developed ourselves to visualise threats in a way that is understandable for all stakeholders and to be able to assess them in detail. Our services include
  • Threat Modeling and Scenario Development
  • Vulnerability Assessment and Prioritization
  • Performing Risk Analyses and Risk Assessments
  • Creation of Threat and Risk Management Plans
  • Simulation and Analysis of Attack Scenarios

Design and development of secure system architectures and specifications that meet the respective requirements
Requirements engineering lays the foundation for the secure operation of systems and installations. Based on the security concept and risk analysis, we refine the overall system architecture and derive requirements for the subsystems. The subsequent operating and maintenance concept is also incorporated to ensure smooth utilisation over the life cycle. We attach particular importance to precise and comprehensive specifications that take both technical and organisational aspects into account. This ensures that all requirements are clearly defined and verifiable to guarantee a successful implementation.
The results form the basis for your own product development or a successful tender on the market.

Development and implementation of secure system solutions that fulfil all functional and security-related requirements.
The ‘Systems Engineering’ service includes the development and implementation of holistic system solutions that fulfil both functional and safety-related requirements. We consider the entire life cycle of your systems, from planning and development through to implementation and maintenance. Our solutions are designed to meet current safety standards while being flexible enough to adapt to future requirements.

Design and implement effective and integrated solutions to ensure continuous threat monitoring, response and development.
With Security Operations and Development Operations, we support you in planning, designing and implementing your capabilities for monitoring and responding to security incidents. We also equip you with the skills to continuously develop your systems. Benefit from our experience in the design, development and operation of systems when setting up a SOC, planning and integrating PKI or IAM and designing BCM capabilities. Our design takes into account all relevant processes, technologies and organizational structures to build and maintain an effective and efficient security structure.

Development and provision of security services for use in development and verification.
How do you test implementation and error scenarios in line with requirements? Through realistic test environments! We develop and create test environments for various security services such as PKI or SIEM/SOC. Why do we do this? In order to actually be able to carry out positive and negative tests, the services require a degree of flexibility that is not desirable in the production environment. With our systems, you can carry out (partially) automated test campaigns of all kinds and run through a variety of scenarios. Test the quality of the implementation of your own development or that of a supplier, realistically play through malfunction scenarios and prepare yourself and your team for these challenges.

Implementation and automation of security tests to ensure system integrity.
With Security Testing and Test Automation, we offer comprehensive security tests that can be carried out both manually and automatically. Our aim is to identify and eliminate potential weaknesses in the implementation at an early stage. By using automated test methods, we increase the efficiency and accuracy of the tests, which leads to increased system integrity. Your test cases do not yet allow automation or you lack the test set-up? We support your team in designing automatable test case descriptions and setting up test environments for continuous testing.

Real attacks to identify vulnerabilities and assess the resilience of your systems.
Sparring instead of shadow boxing! We take a red teaming approach to pentesting. This means that our penetration tests (pentesting) perform tailored attacks on your systems in order to identify and exploit vulnerabilities instead of just naming known vulnerabilities. This results in a realistic assessment of the risk and, at the same time, countermeasures for future system design and mitigation can be specifically derived and implemented in the existing system. We conclude our pentests with comprehensive reports and recommendations for improving your security situation. We would be happy to discuss further details and steps in person.
  • Planning and Implementation of Penetration Tests
  • Use of Manual and Automated Test Methods
  • White-, Grey- and Black-Box-Testing
  • Reverse Engineering with Consideration of Legal Regulations
  • Analysis and Exploitation of Vulnerabilities
  • Creation of Detailed Reports with Identified Vulnerabilities
  • Recommendations for remedying identified Security Vulnerabilities
  • Workshops

Systematic review and validation of security measures to ensure compliance and effectiveness.
Our Verification & Validation Services offer you a structured and systematic review of new products during the entire development phase in accordance with the V-model. Through thorough verification and validation, we ensure that all requirements are met and that the product fulfils the highest quality and safety standards.
  • Review and Verification of Product Requirements
  • Creation of Verification Plans based on the Requirements
  • Validation of Requirements through Reviews and Feedback
  • Development and Implementation of Validation Strategies and Plans
  • Ensuring Compliance with the defined Requirements
  • Preparation of detailed Verification and Validation Reports
  • Provisioning of Recommendations for remedying identified Problems

Review and assessment of your security concepts and solutions
Do you want or need an independent assessment of your security concepts or solutions? We have recognised experts for evaluating and checking security documentation against the relevant industry standards. The independent review can take place in all phases - security concept, risk analysis, requirements specification, functional specification and product. In the railways sector in particular, we also offer auditing by an expert for IT security recognised by the German Federal Railway Authority (EBA).
  • Performing Safety Assessments and Inspections
  • Analysing the Security Infrastructure and Processes
  • Preparation of Evaluation Reports and Recommendations
  • Carrying out Audits and Compliance Checks
  • Assessment by EBA-recognised Experts for IT Security
Management & Training

Efficient planning and implementation of your security projects.
Our security management supports you in the planning, organisation and monitoring of your cyber security projects. We ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget and that all security requirements are met. Our project managers act as communicative and service-orientated partners in your projects thanks to their own many years of experience in various industrial sectors.

Development of customised security strategies and concepts.
Our Security Principles offer you comprehensive advice on integrating IT and OT security into your organisation. We help you to understand the specific requirements of both areas, consolidate the legal and normative requirements and develop a strategy for your company or your specific areas. Build up and expand your security expertise with us and equip yourself for existing and future challenges.

Role-appropriate sensitisation of your employees in cyber security.
Our awareness training educates your employees in cyber security best practices. We offer tailored training programmes that raise awareness of security risks and positively influence employee behaviour. Awareness training is tailored to the tasks and workplaces of the respective employees. This significantly increases the relevance and therefore the learning effect.

We train your employees on specialised security topics
Making informed and conscious decisions is essential in risk management. Our training programmes empower your employees according to their area of responsibility. We offer training programmes with an individual approach for all levels from production to development, operations and middle to senior management. Improve the quality of your work results and increase the satisfaction of your employees through practical training programmes.
  • Development of Training Materials and Programmes
  • Organisation of Training Courses and Workshops
  • Creation of e-learning Courses and interactive Modules
  • Evaluation and Certification of Training Participants
  • Continuous Updates of Training Content based on new Findings from Projects and Threats

We train your team and make them fit in all security matters

From experts for experts. Our training courses are conducted exclusively by experts who are regularly active in the field themselves. In this way, we ensure application-orientated training with communication at eye level.

Do you have special teams? We will be happy to put together a tailor-made training programme for maximum efficiency to prepare your employees as well as possible for the challenges ahead.
Sensitise your employees to the specific security requirements of your industry.

Are you in the process of setting up a new team and still unsure about your training requirements? Get in touch with us! We will be happy to work with you to develop a strategy for your security and derive your individual training requirements from this.

A selection from our training programme:

Awareness Trainings for information security
IT/OT-Security Awareness Training
Real threat scenarios and protective measures in the railway sector
Cybersecurity and cryptography
Cybersecurity for electronic and digital interlockings
Cybersecurity for GSM-R
Cybersecurity for ETCS
Systems Engineering Security for Safety
ATO (bis GoA4) Security incl. Remote Driving
Security mechanisms and protocols
Vehicle2X Security
IEC 62443-3-3 and 4-2 Risk management and requirements development
IEC 62443-2-1 for operators
(Asset Owner)
IEC 62443-2-4 and -4-1 for service providers, integrators and manufacturers
TS 50701 (in future IEC 63452)
NIS2 requirements through NIS2UmsuCG


Do it like the big names - move to the secure side

See for yourself how our teams of experts have devised practical, customised and future-proof security solutions for the market leaders in your sectors.

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