DSTW - IT security compliance assessment

As part of the European and national approval processes, it has become indispensable to verify the technology of modern operation control processes (OT) for their conformity with the normative requirements for IT security.

For this purpose, INCYDE evaluates the conformity of the requirements for the latest generation of digital interlockings (DSTW) of DB Netz AG as well as their implementation in the context of concrete projects with the specifications of the IT security standard series IEC 62443 and TS 50701.

This evaluation is one of the basis for the approval for setting the DSTW into operation.



The objective for the security expert team provided by INCYDE included conducting the assessments and preparing technical opinions or inspection reports for the completed project-specific phases. The following phases were analyzed and assessed:

  • Requirements specification (LH)
  • Requirements specification (PH)
  • Product
  • Overall system


The DLST (digitale Leit- u. Sicherungstechnik) NeuPro pre-series project Mertingen-Meitingen is the first integration of a digital interlocking (DSTW) into the infrastructure of DB Netz AG. This requires a precise analysis and evaluation of the security during the phases of requirements definition, development, integration and processes for the entire life cycle. In particular, the embedding in the existing systems and the transmission system of DB Netz AG must be considered and assessed from a security point of view.

The following method was used for the preparation of the technical opinions or inspection reports (project results):

  • Review of documents and random sample testing
  • Comparison against the normative requirements
  • Identification of defects and classification
  • Definition of requirements
  • Requirements definition/adjustment/clarification
  • Reporting
  • Verification of compliance with requirements
  • Audit SOC (Security Operation Center)