Release of our Whitepaper: Beyond The V - Extending the classical V-Model with Penetration Tests

We are happy to announce the release of our joined whitepaper: Beyond The V - Extending the classical V-Model with Penetration Tests. Many thanks for the collaboration and meaningful input to all the participants: Huawei, AVL, Itemis, BSI, DEKRA, and Mercedes Benz Tech Innovation.

Traditional V-Modell processes struggle with the dynamic and volatile world of cyber security. Classical TARA-approaches are unable to cover arising needs for handling upcoming threats and volatilities. Additionally, threats emerging from the integration of different components, are hard to detect beforehand. Penetration-Tests offer a well proven technique for addressing those drawbacks. For combining the best of both worlds, we propose an extended version of the V-Modell bolstered with an agile Penetration-Test.

Dr. Johannes Küber

Your contact person
Dr. Johannes Küber
Cloud Technology, Risk Assessment, Automotive